Wedding Photography Long Island

Wedding Photography in Nassau County

Trying to decide on a Wedding Photographer near Wantagh? 

Dates book fast.  We don't like to pressure our clients.  We offer a FREE Mini Engagement Shoot so you can see what YOUR photos will look like.  Anyone can show you photos of the most beautiful couple, shot at a beautiful location on a beautiful day.  We like to show you exactly what you should expect.

We get compliments on almost every Wedding we shoot.  We try to capture everything while being non invasive.  After your event you will love your photos & the experience.

We use the most high end up to date equipment and are trained how to use it properly.
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from a Photographer near Wantagh 

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Dates Book Fast.  Call today to book your Wedding Photography.  We love shooting in Wantagh

Hire a professional to handle all your Wedding Photography needs. You'll save money & gain peace of mind with our affordable and creative wedding photography packages.

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Dates Book Fast.  Call today to book your Wedding Photography.   From Wantagh or getting married in Nassau County   Ask about our additional 10% off most packages.

Hire a professional near Wantagh to handle all your Wedding Photography needs. You'll save money & gain peace of mind with our affordable and creative wedding photography packages.. 
If your near Wantagh 11793 Call now for the best local Photographer
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Having a Wedding?

We offer FREE Engagement Mini Shoots

Professional Wedding Photography near Wantagh

Affordable Photography

Our Wedding Photography Prices prove you don't have to specn an arm and a leg to get quality Wedding Photography.  We love what we do and offer affordable rates on creative quality wedding photography.

Creative Photography

We shoot creative style wedding photography.  You will receive high quality creative images that will preserve your memories for a lifetime

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We love what we do!

Photography is not just a job for us.   It's a passion and we try to make it show.  We don't sit back and miss shots!   We try to be everywhere at your event capturing all of your memories... even things you may have missed or thought we did!

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